I Am Robot And Proud – “Imaginary Gadgets”: Let’s play!

Here’s a real charmer of a track for you. “Imaginary Gadgets”, by I Am Robot And Proud.

Yeah I know: “Aaaaaaw”, right? It’s already cuteness overload and we’ve not even pressed play yet. As one could expect from the title we find several small, toy-like percussive samples that builds the foundation of this track, sprinkled with glitches to add to the charm:

The track gives me associations to the soundtrack in the Katamari Games – quirky, charming and music that I hold as one of my favourite game soundtracks of all time.

Behind the fantastic artist name we find the Canadian Shaw-Han Liem. It’s really not a massive surprise for me that he’s also a video game designer.

Shaw-Han Liem also studied piano at the Royal Conservatory for a decade, in addition to teaching himself how to play guitar. He began making electronic music as I Am Robot and Proud in 2000, as he was completing a degree in computer science.

If you liked today’s selected track then you’re advised to explore his 2018 album “Lucky Static” as well!