What starts out as a sweet, calm piano piece slowly drifts into a wide, wide ambient landscape with long, loooong pads smearing the horizon with layers upon layers of the most precious harmonies.
And while the atmosphere is a bit lonely – as ambient often is – it’s not dark. Nothing’s threatening anyone here. It’s a safe haven. You can sleep well, the post-apocalyptic wasteland will be calm tonight (I typically get either scenarios from space or a post apocalyptic “lone survivor” type atmosphere while listening to this genre).
And there’s progression to be found. There’s segments, changes, surprises along the way. They just happen slooooowly. No sudden moves. And, of course, not even a HINT of beats. That’s exactly how an ambient track should behave. Good boy.
There’s really not much to point fingers at here. It’s a fantastic piece. The only thing would be the duration: Less than four minutes. This track could easily – easily – keep going for longer than that.

Haav’s approach to the forthcoming mini-album “Flyt” (Norwegian for flux, flow or float) is based on water-derived sound sources. From dripping and running water, to snow and ice. Although the raw sound material is often heavily manipulated to the unrecognisable, Haav has also tried to capture situations where the water sounds could inspire to musical ideas, such as rhythmic patterns in rainfall, melodic patterns in brooks, or textures in water pipes and kitchen sinks.
I can’t wait to hear more. This is an artist worth following for any ambient aficionado.
So this track went straight into our “Ambient Universe” Spotify playlist, that should go without saying. And that list has started to become really good now! If you like this track then I can practically guarantee that you will enjoy the rest of the list too. So give it a “follow” today!