Lazer Kitten, “Don’t Look Back”: Look mom, a funky kitten!

Funky! That’s what this track is. In a very clubby way. I get Daft Punk vibes from this little gem, released by the DJ and producer Lazer Kitten from the US of A.

It is not without risk to use a single vocal sample and let that run through the entire track non-stop. But here it totally works, partially because it’s a very synthesised voice so it becomes almost like an instrument, but also because it’s edited, chopped, filtered and thrown around in such a funky way.

Admittedly, one can’t have too many of these kind of productions in close succession before it can get too much. But blended into a DJ set as a happy, upbeat break before the floor is thrown into a deeper track could work wonders for the intensity on the floor.

Or, for that matter, if you run a music blog focusing on underground electronica. Cheerful breaks like these really works quite good in the blog post mix 🙂

This track is obviously added to our “Beatradar Selections” along with all our other reviewed tracks.
But in addition we also added this to our “Club Music” list currently under construction. If you already now wants to follow it being populated with groovy, funky club tracks you are of course more than welcome to!