Synthwave Saturday: You just can’t get more eighties than this

Seriously: The two tracks i got for you today are almost too much. They not only plagiarise but surpass the original sound of the eighties – all while staying firmly true to the sound. It’s just so much of everything.
They crammed the entire decade into their tracks!

Six Leaves Left – Parallel World (feat. Dimi Kaye)

I don’t usually approve synthwave instrumentals (I think vocals are such an important component for that true eighties feel) but I had to make an exception here. This track is maybe even more eighties than the eighties itself.

I could now mention a lot of artists I am reminded of with this track. I bet you can too. But the fact alone that a large list instantly scrolls in my head while listening goes to show how well this track summarise the eighties new romantic wave of bands.

… And when the guitar comes in towards the end there it’s almost – almost – too much. But it’s delightful, just like an overly exaggerated action scene in an eighties movie.

Skimode – Redlight

Now here’s a good example of what I typically seek in the synthwave genre. The vocals are just so amazingly eighties – and processed perfectly accordingly. The vocal harmonies, the corny vocoder and cat sample, the whole thing is so totally legit, this could easily have been a hit in the eighties. Complete with the mandatory guitar solo and all – with obnoxious amounts of reverb. Of course. Nothing is skimped on in this production.

One of the best synthwave productions I’ve heard in a very long time.

Both of these tracks are obviously added to our excellent Spotify Synthwave List: “More EIGHTIES than the 80s itself“, where we only make room for the very best from the synthwave scene.