Silent Sunday #22

I continue my focus on futuristic and experimental ambient as well as ambient with vocals, and behold: In one of today’s tracks we find both!

niecesandnephews – Species

Quite experimental atmosphere in this one, who combines almost what I’d call classic piano play with sampled loops of an abstract nature. Together they form a quite peculiar atmosphere that I simply found very interesting. I don’t even really know how to describe it properly – take a listen!

Kosen Solar – Barren

Next up comes an exploration across a barren but not empty landscape. I love the experimental and futuristic vibes here.

And those vocals? Such an excellent touch to the weirdness and “otherness” of this whole track.

What an experience.

Cholosus – Existence

Vocals are used in a more conventional way here – and is yet another illustration on how vocals indeed can work in ambient. I would call this a classic drone ambient atmosphere, where the vocals are what lifts it out of the ordinary and into the noteworthy.

A great addition to our ambient playlist.

Snowsleep – Flowers on the wall

The “bonus track” today is this one, from Snowsleep. We’ve featured him before, and here he’s using his guitar as the leading instrument to build the atmosphere we are served.

And I’ve said it before and now I say it again: I really like electric guitars in ambient productions. It’s something about the rather cold sound from steel strings that fits the genre so well.

It is however easy to tip over into something cheesy with an instrument like that. Not so here, though. And that is what made it into today Sleepy Sunday!

Snowsleep is not on Spotify, but the other three are added to our flagship playlist, “Ambient Universe“. A well maintained and updated playlist, at the service of all ambient fans out there!