Ambient Universe #48

This time I have two tracks that are a bit more melodic than what I usually pick for this column. And more earthly. They depict grande scenery from planet earth. But man, they are lovely. Here’s another session of the Ambient Universe.

Kendl – Turn (Remix by Mazoulew )

Just listen to this one. So atmospheric! And especially that vocal snippet of what sounds to be a recording of an indigenous hymn of some sort – at least that’s what my imagination tells me. And the highly cinematic, dramatic soundscape! Luckily never turning too dramatic on us, just building a tension that balances just right.

Yeah, an unregular pick from my side, but one I fully defend. This one is just too atmospheric to ignore.

Take Me There – The People I Stay For

It is the melodic components that push this track forward, but not without being well supported by the droned background canvas.

And when the vocals enter the soundscape, with the muted chanting(?) – well that’s when I am sold on it. Where are we located now? Deep inside a monastery high up in the alps?

I dunno, all I know is that I really, really love the scenery being drawn here.

Both of today’s tracks are found on our excellent Spotify playlist, “The Ambient Universe” where we collect only the finest pieces of ambience that reach our ear drums. The regular maintenance of this list makes it well worth following!