Let’s head back to our favourite lounge, shall we? The deep lounge. Where the underground deep house – the real stuff – is played. I’ts been a while. And there’s quite a few excellent new Deep House releases lately! Here’s three of the finest.
ISOLA – Ischia
Here’s a prime example of that mellow, smooth vibe that I seek in my Deep House tracks. It’s just so… Elegant. Minimal, groovy, happy. But never frantic, hectic or intense.
It’s like the tracks is saying, “you can dance if you want to, but noone’s forcing you”.
Aguava – Dreams
And the elegance continues in this next track, by the North American artist Aguava. A slick groove with a hint of far east sounds as well as Hispanic guitar vibes, now that’s never wrong in my book.
Nor is it surprising, seeing how he is inspired by “nature and the different cultures he’s experienced while travelling”. I think his music indeed manage to communicate this.
Drew Dapps – Break Out
We’re rounding off this little session with a gentleman that should be a familiar name for the regular reader, Drew Dapps. He’s raising the intensity one notch with his latest contribution to the Deep House bin, “Break Out”.
A gorgeously deep bass supports the beat perfectly, a beat that is sprinkled with light organ chords and vocal samples in carefully measured amounts to maintain that fine balance of keeping things minimal while still offering a melodic finesse to the groove.
Yet another class act from Drew.
All three are found on our really quite excellent Deep House playlist, “The Deep Lounge“, where we collect only the finest tracks from the deeper side of the house pond. A list well worth following, if we are to say so ourselves.