Ambient Universe #55

Three new ambient releases for you this week too, as per established tradition. And this time I’ve picked three with the common theme being the use of a piano or piano-like sounds as part of the arrangement.

Markku Klami (Finland) – verweilen

A hollow, huge soundscape – wide open space. Gorgeous.

But it was the piano scattered around in the composition is what fetched my interest. So sparingly that you may blink and you missed it, but so effective on the single notes played.

A haunting atmosphere, quite dramatic but never too intense.

Contextures (India) – Lyra

And wouldn’t you know, here’s another track that I pretty much could copy the above desciption to. The piano has a more prominent presence here. But the haunting, hollow atmosphere is really quite the same!


Vayron (France) – In the Waters

The third piano track today is the most melodic of the three. A lovely, calm atmosphere with a fitting title – this gives me associations to water droplets falling.

And the waters sure were quiet that day.

All three are added to our ambient playlist on Spotify, “Ambient Universe” where only the finest ambient releases are collected as we discover them.