Breaking The Records #2

Generally speaking I’m all for the minimal, deep, hypnotic and sublime club tracks.

Except when it comes to breaks. Then, and only then, I want’em to pull all the stops and blow up in my face. it really can’t get noisy enough.

Here’s three excellent examples of what I’m talking about.

KDN Q & Beta95 (UK) – Hold On

Big, noisy, gritty. That’s how I like my breaks. And that’s exactly what this UK duo delivers. Gorgeous stuff with just the right amount of unadulterated atmosphere of hysteria.

And don’t you just love how long they keep the tension with the vocal sample before the main beat kicks in in the intro there?

Kotek (Canada) – Index

And, well, this Canadian wonderboy does follow suit perfectly with this mad monster of a track. Slowly it crawls, with glowing eyes of broken beats and mad bass raging in its veins.

Until it grinds to a hold in a break midway… And then blows up in a frenzy as it shape-shifts into a d’n’b track.

You may recall the name Kotek from earlier, as they’ve been covered before here on Beatradar. And I feel confident this won’t be the last. Bring it on, Kotek!

Nitepunk (USA) – Flow

Vocals in breakbeat is often a hit or miss. Usually I prefer the instrumental breaks, as vocals tend to pull things a bit too far over on the melodic and mainstream side of things.

Here, however, it works perfectly.

All three are added to our excellent Spotify playlist, “Breaking the records“, where we collect only the finest breaks as we discover them.