There’s hardly a night that I go to sleep without ambient music in my ears. It has become my sleeping pill, and it’s a habit I feel no need to break out of.
Lucky then, that there’s so much great new ambient released every month. Here’s three of my favourites over the last few weeks!
Haquin x Zaid Al-Nayazi (UK) – Acorn
Ambient music build mental images like no other genre I can think of. And in my mind it usually creates sceneries from outer space. Or – that’s the kind of ambient I prefer.
But here I’m deep into an exotic location with plants, trees and wildlife aplenty. Sunrise over nirvana.
Just beautiful. Can you see it?
Maneten (Sweden) – Swim 2 U (AKB Remix)
We’re entering a slightly more chaotic soundscape now, and despite the title indicating otherwise I’m in an urban landscape now.
Futuristic. Cyberpunk? Hell yeah.
Large concrete walls and cold glass surfaces echoing a city that never truly sleep, but is resting now.
Keyvan Safarzadeh (Iran) – Future On The Way
I can’t from the top of my head recall if this is the first time we hear Iranian ambient, but it sure isn’t common.
And what a discovery. A tender veil of fragile synths are opening this little masterpiece of a track. An ever evolving soundscape that stretches out over a good ten minutes, but make good use of every minute. Never any sudden movements, but always changing shape.
It is turning a bit energetic towards the end. But that sense of fragility remains. Be prepared for quite the journey.
All three are added to our gorgeous ambient playlist, “Ambient Universe” where only the finest pieces are let through and added to the list. Your weekly updated guide into sleep.