Never a week without a fresh bouquet of downtempo flowers. Today they are three in number, and in each their ways they provide the kind of backdrop we want at our beach lounge. Three interesting choices for the lounge/chillout DJs out there.
IHF (USA) – All You Need
Ah man. Sliced vocal samples <3 . I can’t get enough of it. It just never gets old. It’s so funky!
And indeed particularly so in this track. A groover of the highest order.
So much so that I actually was unsure if this really belong to our beloved Beach Lounge, or if it should rather reside on our more upbeat house list.
It’s a close call, but it has that “head bopper while hanging in the bar” quality that made it land in this column.
One of the most danceable tracks currently on our lounge playlist though. That’s for sure.
Absorver (Slovakia) – Thaw I
Next up is a track with a component that I so 100% adore in my downtempo tracks: Jazz. It’s perfect for these kinds of atmospheres.
Here the jazzy elements are paired with some unusually heavy breakbeats, and the combo really is fire.
The low tempo combined with the energetic beats creates an interesting contrast and grabs hold of my attention throughout the entire track.
In fact I believe this track would benefit from being a bit longer. It’s bids us farewell just as we got our jazz foot groovin’.
MÒZÂMBÎQÚE (USA) – Handshakes & High 5s (Verdance Remix)
We are again up in the upper BPM range of what we should call “downtempo”.
But the vibe here is so chill.
This is lazy days at the beach, this is to be consumed at low volume while in good company with a friend or a book. This is sweet drinks in tall glasses, optimistic outlooks on plans for tomorrow. Always tomorrow, never today.
Yeah, it’s chill.
All three are added to our beloved nest of delicious vibes, “The Beach Lounge” where we collect only the finest downtempo tracks as we discover them!