We are really crossing the globe in this edition of Ambient Universe as we visit artists from US, UK and Russia and discover some fine new releases on the ambient scene.
Aatom (UK) – Haumea
We are treated with an exploration of harmonies in this classic sounding drone ambient from the UK.
But it’s what goes on in the background that really makes this track, in my opinion. I’ve said it before and here I go again: In this genre it’s all about the details in the soundscape. Without the faint details this would have been a fairly flat production.
But with it, it expands the audio space tremendeously and triggers our curiosity.
Doug Buckley (USA) – Midnight Burner
Where Aatoms piece were quite classic, confident and extrovert, this next one is charmingly introvert and quite experimental. So quite the contrast.
Doug utilise both electronic and acoustic instruments in his creations as well as “a healthy dose of tape effects”, according to what he told us.
The result is a quite rustic, abandoned and solitude experience. We are crossing deserted grounds here, semi abstract surroundings that confuse our minds. An intriguing landscape.
LuckySixOneMusic (Russia) – emptiness outside the window
We’ve covered LuckySixOneMusic before, and it’s no wonder we do so again when we hear his vast open spaces with that gorgeous futuristic vibe. Abstract to the max you can fit this into most dark narratives.
But it’s dark. Definitely dark. And as years go by I have noticed that I more and more prefer the darker works of ambient. There’s just something about the less melodic, more unsettling atmospheres that really fires up my imagination.
And again – it’s all about the details. Notice how they have sprinkled tiny little sound effects along the way, sometimes subtle other times abrupt. But it adds so much to the total picture.
All three are added to our excellent ambient playlist, “Ambient Universe“, where we collect only the finest ambient releases as we discover them. Weekly updated! This is one list to follow for all ambient enthusiasts.