The Ambient Universe #85

Three excellent new ambient releases in store for you today – two of them featuring one of my favourite instruments in ambient: Electric guitar. Without getting too melodic. Just perfect.

Entity 97 (Australia) – Beyond The Horizon

Electric guitars has a long relationship with ambient music. As is the piano. And for good reasons. Their ability to deliver long sustains and very organic sounds make them well suited.

We find both in this piece, and together with electronic layers they form a gorgeous, melodic piece of peace and quiet.

Not too melodic, though. That would be a no-no from my part. Instead we are served a careful exploration of harmonies and interaction beteen the two instruments, abstract and experimental enough to fetch this listeners attention – and hold it thrugh the entire duration.

Opris (USA) – Form Touches Formless

The concept of this release is as excellent as it is with the times: A Dune themed ambient EP!

As the artist describes it; “This song separates the two halves of my DUNE themed ep. The first half is before leaving Caladan and the second half is on DUNE. This song is the floating ethereal vastness of space, the void that stares back, smiling at your tiny worries of loss and gain.”

And I can really feel the hot sand between my toes in this one. Excellent work.

Frank Cogliano (USA) – Valhalla

Another track with an electric guitar being the lead instrument.

And I really, really fell for the atmosphere here. The way the guitar is reverbed and processed. The minimalist arrangement – but still with depth. The tiny little details in the background. The fragile flute’ish synth that enters towards the end there. The story therein.

All so delicately arranged. All so balanced with each other.

Yes. Yes, I love this track.

All three are added to our Spotify playlist, “Ambient Universe”, where we collect only the finest new ambient as we discover them. Weekly updated for years now – this is one reliable source for great new ambient discoveries.