The Beach Lounge #37

Three new downtempo tracks that spans quite wide. So you’re bound to find at least one of your new favourite chill tracks for this summer. But don’t take my word for it – hear for yourself!

Ohmfield (UK) – Burnout

I’ve always been weak for chopped up samples. Ever since I heard it the first time on some UK house record sometime during the 80s. The stuttered, chopped and sliced vocals was something completely new and different.

It’s not new any more, nor very different. But it still holds that groovy vibe I never grew tired of.

It’s dangerously close to a dance floor track, this one. Balancing on the border of stepping out of the chill-out theme of our Beach Lounge. But I have to include it. It’s just to cool to let pass.

Amr Mazhar (Egypt) – Secret Love

This one, on the other hand. This one is chill. Although, interestingly enough, the BPM is higher.

But the vibe, man. The ethereal piano play, the picks on a guitar, the mild breeze of notes sliding through the air and infusing us with the idea that everything will be good in the end.

And it will. So just relax, taste the drink while the ice cubes are still dancing around in your glass, and close your eyes.

It’s good. It is.

Nother & Moon Leap (Italy) – US

Wake up. You’re in heaven now. I mean, listen to this. Omg.

Gorgeous vocals draped over a groovy, chill composition as tight as glue.
Smooth sailing across the airwaves, making us forget space and time. It does not exist in heaven.

This is chill-out heaven.

All three are added to our excellent downtempo Spotify playlist, “Beach Lounge“, where we collect only the finest chill-out tracks as we discover them. Updated weekly!