Ambient Universe #129

These tracks really has everything I seek in ambient. Unique, not too melodic, dark but not noisy. With a certain outlandish vibe of strange new lands.

Christian Wittman (France) – Evanescent Shades

Deep, dark, futuristic. Abstract, yet picturesque. Waves rolling across a cold and uninviting landscape of… shades? Colors? Shapes?

I don’t know what my senses register, but they are tingling. Signalling that I love what I hear.

Pram Of Dogs (UK) – Watered Light

And we’re still in that same ambient landscape with the next one, from the UK.
This track opens a new BBC ambient mix – and we can fully understand why.

Gorgeous sound design here. It’s dark, but not threatening. With a enthralling contrast to the soft, faint sounds of children playing – memories of a time long gone?

A fantastic production.

Nico Less (Germany) – Everybody Needs to Come Down

After those non-melodic deep dives, I find it suitable to shift focus to a lighter, more harmonic selecion.

Lighter, yes, but still with a dim atmosphere. Quiet. Introspective.

Time for reflection.
Time to come down.

All three are added to our Spotify playlist, “Ambient Universe” where only the finest new ambient releases are collected. A list maintained for years now, this is one reliable source to follow.