Ambient Universe #124
We’re going dark and gritty in this edition of Ambient Universe. It may not trigger the most colourful mental images, but real ambient lovers dream in monochrome. Continue reading Ambient Universe #124
We’re going dark and gritty in this edition of Ambient Universe. It may not trigger the most colourful mental images, but real ambient lovers dream in monochrome. Continue reading Ambient Universe #124
We go from the quite engaging and trippy to the deep sleep inducing atmospheres in today’s edition of the Ambient Universe. Continue reading Ambient Universe #92
It’s been a while since we headed out to the dangerous outskirts of electronica. If you’re a beat hungry dancer this post is not for you. If on the other hand you are in possession of a curious mind, step right ahead.
Continue reading The Electronica Outskirts #15
Two tracks for our Progressive playlist today. And I am stretching the term with one of the selections, but it’s just such an awesome opener for a progressive set, I have to show you! The other one has a tribal vibe – never wrong! Continue reading The Progressive Underground #9
It’s been a while since we explored the fringe of the electronica landscape. And today I present to you three distinctly different creations. They illustrate perfectly why the world of experimental electronica is such a gorgeous universe to explore. Continue reading The Electronica Outskirts #14
Another deep dive into the gorgeous world discovered at the outer brims of electronica.
And one of the most rewarding things for me personally when exploring these neck of woods, are when extraordinary sound design is unveiled. Here’s three exceptional examples of that kind. Continue reading The Electronica Outskirts #13
We welcome the new year with a brave mindset and set out to the experimental fields, where we do not know what awaits: The electronica outskirts. Continue reading The Electronica Outskirts #12
Well off the mainstream highway, we’re taking the scenic route as we traverse the audio landscape. Three new releases from the brink of electronica awaits! Continue reading The Electronica Outskirts #11
Ah yeah. Let’s go seek out the world of the weird and wonderful experiments again. Time to head to the brink of the electronica wasteland! Continue reading The Electronica Outskirts #10